Giving patients at Inspire Dental Group something to smile about.

Average Webchat Leads per Month
Conversion Rate of Webchat Leads
Increase in Average Monthly Leads

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The Challenge

Inspire Dental Group operates three large dental facilities in Western New York, but its previous attempts to engage customers with a chat solution felt like pulling teeth. The practice lacked a convenient channel to respond to patients’ messages and the resources to manage them. As a result, IDG had to turn off live chat—missing out on crucial customer conversations.

The Solution

With holes in its communication strategy, IDG looked to Podium for help. The practice has since implemented Webchat—allowing them to respond to customers directly from their website and follow-up through text. According to Lisa Blair, Chief Operating Officer at IDG, the new process is working. “It’s so much easier. As part of our morning routine, we log into all our partner websites. Every time there’s an alert, the first person that responds to it takes it. We have a team of approximately 15 people that route incoming conversations.”

The Result

Podium has improved conversion rates for IDG by allowing patients to reach out for appointments through Webchat. “Not only is it a good lead, but it doesn’t take staff time on the phone to get that appointment scheduled. According to Blair, “Overall, Podium has allowed IDG to serve more patients more efficiently. She concluded, “It’s a great product, it’s easy to use, and the results are fantastic.”

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